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Writer's pictureSamantha Nicole

Am I Ready: A Season Of Preparation

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

We all love, love, especially love stories. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, and so forth. Our favorite part is the happily ever after. And I get it, I’m the same exact way! But the most important part that we tend to overlook is the season of preparation. Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I Ready?”.

Let’s take a look at the love story between Ruth and Boaz. Their story not only shows us a woman of good character but also a man of good character.

(reference Ruth Chapters 1-4)

A Season Of Preparation

Ruth was a young widow with a broken heart. Her mother-in-law Naomi gave her an opportunity to leave in hopes of finding provisions elsewhere. But Ruth insisted on staying with her. She basically devoted herself to Naomi. Another thing to mention here is that Ruth was a Moabitess. Which means she didn’t worship God. But in devoting herself to Naomi she also devoted herself to God.

Now with neither woman having husbands to provide for them, they set off to Naomi’s original home where they heard God had given favor to the people there. In other words, they actively sought after the favor of God.

Once arriving, Ruth immediately joined the fields. She saw the opportunity God had given her and took advantage of it.

Then enters Boaz, to which the field actually belonged too. Boaz instantly notices Ruth. He noticed her working diligently.

Later he then asked around and heard of her devotion to Naomi via other people in the city. Which only stood out to him furthermore.

Naomi advises Ruth to go to Boaz asking that she be given the opportunity for the lands of her husband to be bought and for her to be remarried. And that’s exactly what Ruth does. She goes to Boaz privately with her request. Not out of desperation but out of obedience to Naomi.

Through this, Boaz again notices something different about Ruth. After hearing her request he doesn’t turn her away. He honors her request. And not only that but vows to follow through, even if that means he is the one to full fill her needs.

Long story short, Boaz followed through and kept his word. Because there was a man that only wanted the land but not Ruth, as promised Boaz stepped in willingly to provide and love her. Their marriage set the stage for prophecy and continued to change history for generations to come!

Qualities Of Ruth That Stand Out:

1: Ruth didn’t go looking.

Ruth had the opportunity to go looking for a husband to provide for her. Naomi actually insisted that she did but she refused. (Ruth 1:15-17)

Q: How many times do we make choices solely in hopes of finding “the one”, and how many times do those choices end with finding “the one”?

The question we should be asking ourselves is ” Am I Ready”?

Am I ready to be found?

2: Ruth devoted herself to Naomi.

This is such an honorable thing to do. Naomi could not provide for Ruth as a husband could. And I’m sure deep down Ruth was fearful and worried too. But in the midst of it all, Ruth wanted to be under Naomi’s covering. She saw her goodness. And she joined herself beside this woman. Where she went, Ruth went. Who she worshipped, Ruth worshipped. And this brought favor to Ruth. (Ruth 1:16-17)

Q: Have you devoted yourself to God? Have you vowed to go where he goes, to follow after him? The Bible tells us to walk by faith NOT by sight.

Or have you allowed fears and worries to cause you to separate yourself from the favor and covering of God?

3: Ruth worked in the fields

Ruth heard of the blessings of the Lord and she wanted to benefit from them too. So she didn’t sit around waiting for the blessing to come, she put herself in the fields where the harvest came from. And not only did she put herself in the fields but she worked diligently and faithfully. She showed up and worked where she saw she could. (Ruth 2:1-7)

Q: Are you putting your faith to work or just waiting. The Bible instructs us that faith without works is dead . We can’t just treat God like a wish maker.

4: Ruth Was Obedient

In Ruth devoting herself to Naomi, she was choosing to submit herself as well. And in doing so, she was also obedient.

Naomi caring for Ruth and thinking of her future saw a plan and shared that plan, advising Ruth. Even though Naomi had the plan, it was up to Ruth to take the action. It was her future after all and so she did out of obedience. (Ruth 3:1-5)

Q: How many times do you go to those who God has set above you for spiritual guidance but when given, you reject and refuse? The covering God gives to us is important but when we choose to be rebellious and disobedient we can not expect that covering to stay the same.

Now let’s break down what Boaz demonstrates as things that are attributes of a godly man.


( Things that are worth praying and waiting for, ladies!)

1: A Boaz Will Notice More Than Beauty

Now I’m sure Ruth caught his eye because of her beauty too. But the first time we read of Boaz and Ruth, it tells us that he noticed her WORKING. Not bathing on a rooftop or just sitting irritated on a church pew. But working. Then when we read about their interaction, we hear that Boaz talks about her character first; her loyalty to Naomi. (Ruth 3:11)

2: A Boaz Will Respect You

When Ruth went to Boaz with her request you notice that he doesn’t belittle her. He sees her intentions and respects them. (Ruth 3:10-13)

3: A Boaz Keeps His Word

Not only did Boaz respect Ruth’s request but he honors it by keeping his word. He said if no man will take you and the lands, then I will. And he did exactly that! His actions lined up with his words. (Ruth 4:9-10)

4: A Boaz Will Accept Your Baggage

Ruth was a widow! I’m sure she had some pain and maybe even some doubt. And let’s not forget she actually came from Israel’s enemy tribe. But here was a man accepting and willing to care for her. Despite her emotional and financial needs. Despite where she came from he saw who SHE WAS.

A man worth praying and waiting for is one who can accept your particular baggage.

Ruth and Boaz’s story teaches us so many things. Ruth demonstrates the beauty and purpose of working in the fields.

God has given each and every one of us a purpose and ministry. And in case you’ve never heard this before, it doesn’t start once you get married! A question we always give too much attention to is, ” When will I be found?”

But the questions we should be asking ourselves are,

1: Am I ready to be found?


2: Am I putting myself in positions to be found?

Are you working in the field and taking care of the very things God has already given to you?

Ladies, we aren’t the ones meant to do the looking but we are the ones meant to be found.

Now that doesn’t mean you ignore what’s going on around you and just wait for some guy to pop up. It simply means that if you focus on God and the blessings he has for you NOW, your Boaz will notice you. Everybody’s season is different. But if you place yourself where the harvest and blessings of God are, you will benefit and prosper.

So take this time, your season of singleness, and fall in love with your ministry and God.

Don’t look at it as a season of loneliness. But something so much more… Your SEASON OF PREPARATION.

Remember to BU.


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